Tibetan Stories: The Photographs
Himachel Pradesh & Bihar, India

A collection of photographs taken during production of the short documentary film series Tibetan Stories, co-produced by the International Center for Mental Health & Human Rights. Conceived as a collection of Tibetan Buddhist morality tales, each film explores the life of a different member of the exiled Tibetan diaspora living in India, while collectively addressing themes of identity, culture, trauma, resiliency, and compassion.

Limited edition prints available through our gallery store.


Suggested reading:

The Story of Tibet: Conversations with the Dalai Lama by Thomas Laird, Grove Press, 2007. A clear and thorough survey of Tibetan history and culture, written in a smooth, conversational style. B&N

Across Many Mountains: Three Daughters of Tibet by Yangzom Brauen, Harvill Press, 2011. A granddaughter's memoir of three Tibetan women spanning thier lives in Tibet, India, and Germany. B&N

Suggested viewing:

Kundun  (1997) directed by Martin Scorsese, screenplay Melissa Mathison, dir. photography Roger Deakins. Narrative film biography of the life of the young 14th Dalai Lama prior to leaving Tibet in 1959, with a stellar score composed by Philip Glass. IMDb

Wheel of Time  (2003) directed by Werner Herzog. A feature documentary on the Kalachakra Initiation held in Bodh Gaya in 2003. IMDb

The Sun Behind the Clouds: Tibet's Struggle for Freedom  (2010) directed by Ritu Sarin and Tenzing Sonam. An examination of Tibet's modern history from the perspective of exiled Tibetan activists living in India. IMDb